LinuxCertified Laptop Certification Report

LC2430 on Debian 3.0r1 "woody"


Table 1. Summary Table
CPU tests X11 tests Network tests Disk I/O tests CD-ROM tests Floppy tests
Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

CPU tests: Pass
This test stresses the processor with simultaneous loads and check how the processor handles the multiple processes. For a system to pass it must be able to obtain at an average of at least 90% utilization for each processor during the tests.

X11 tests: Pass
To test the X server under load we run the X11Perf program that is part of the X11 distribution.

We also ran glxgears to test OpenGL performance. We obtained as much as 2582 FPS, the highest ever seen on LC2430 using any distribution!!

   12914 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2582.800 FPS
   12907 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2581.400 FPS
   12913 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2582.600 FPS

Network tests: Pass
This will show basic network functionality. It will ensure that the bundled NIC can perform basic operations such as file transfers.

Disk I/O tests: Pass
This test is designed to verify proper operation of the hard disk drive by writing test patterns, then reading and checking for errors. The tests will test both a 1 and 2 Gigabyte file.

CD-ROM tests: Pass
The CD-ROM test will ensure that the bundled drive is working properly under the Linux kernel. Mounting of the CD drive and basic read operations and write (in the case of a CDRW) are tested. A DVD was successfully mounted and read.

Floppy tests: Pass (Using the optional external USB floppy)
This test is designed to verify proper operation of the floppy disk drive by writing test patterns, then reading and checking for errors. The entire floppy disk surface range will be tested.


Sony memory stick was successfully mounted, read and written to in the multi-card memory reader slot.

Various other tests for functionality and performance were successfully performed.