Contact Information
Name : __________________________________________________________________________________
(last) (first) (middle)
Company/Organization : _________________________________ Title : __________________________Address : ________________________________________________________________________________
Phone : __________________________________________________________________________________
(daytime) (evening)
E-mail : ___________________________________________________
Class Preference
Please check the class you will prefer to attend.
December 14th - December 16th, 2022 (10 AM - 4PM) (Virtual live)
November 16th - November 18th, 2022 (10 AM - 4PM) (Virtual live)
How did you hear about us ? _________________________________________________________________
Registration Fee
Class Registeration fee $2699*
I want to get the optional Linux laptop (Add 700)
Please write a check or money order (call in to check if Linux laptop or cpu board is included) payable to "LinuxCertified, Inc." (unless paying by credit card), and send it with this enrollment form to:
LinuxCertified, Inc.
209 E Java Dr #64018
Sunnyvale, CA 94088Payment by Credit card: _After reviewing your order, we will send you instructions for payment by credit card.
If paying by credit card, you can also fax the form to (253) 399-7329
Please do notify us via email when sending the form.
I have read and I agree to the Terms and Conditions listed on website of