Linux & Open-Source Training Certification News & Links Company Info

Linux and Open Source Software Training

LinuxCertified Announces its Linux Fundamentals and Linux System and Network Administration Classes in Boston.

-- All attendees get a Linux loaded laptop!

LinuxCertified,Inc. a leading provider of Linux training, will offer its Linux Fundamentals and Linux System and Network administration classes on November 11 - 14, 2003 in Boston (MA). These workshops are designed for busy information technology professionals and cover the most important Linux administration areas. All attendees get a Linux loaded laptop.

In addition to carefully designed lecture material delivered by experienced Linux professionals, there is a heavy emphasis on hands-on learning. The training starts two weeks before the actual class, with access to an online e-learning tutorial, where students complete few challenging pre-class activities. Attendees get a powerful Linux laptop on their arrival, along with other class materials. They load Linux on their laptop during the class, and use it for all the class activities and assignments. At the end of the class they take this laptop with them to further enhance their Linux expertise.

Professionals can either take the two classes, Linux Fundamentals and Linux System and Network Administration, back-to-back, or they can choose to come to one of the classes more appropriate to their background and short term goals.

The Linux Fundamentals class is designed for busy professionals with no prior experience with Linux or any other flavor of UNIX. This two-day introduction to Linux broadens their horizons with a detailed overview of the operating system. Attendees learn how to effectively use a Linux system as a valuable tool. They get familiar with the architecture and various components of the operating system, learn both graphical and command line tools, and learn to do basic networking. This class is scheduled for November 11-12, 2003.

Linux Fundamentals Class - Detailed description

The Linux System and Network Administration class is specially designed to prepare the attendees for the objectives of Level 1 certification exams offered by Linux Professional Institute (LPI). The workshop also meets the objectives of the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam and CompTIA's Linux+ exam. This class is scheduled for November 13-14, 2003

Linux System and Network Administration - Detailed description

To enroll and more details, visit:

About LinuxCertified, Inc.

The mission of LinuxCertified, Inc is to help our clients benefit from significant savings of effectively using Linux and Open-Source software in their IT infrastructure. Our core offerings are:

- Linux trained and certified professionals
- Implementation and development services using Open-Source software
- LinuxCertified products providing industry's best ROI

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